Amber Ticker

Friday, April 23, 2010


I lived in Fresno California when it was the largest concentration of Armenians in the world. I learned much from them and from studying their diaspora. They and the Jews have much in common as they are traditionally of one religion, the Armenians Christian Orthodoxy, the Jews, Judaism. They kept to themselves living in valleys and herding their sheep. Great art works are found in old Jerusalem as their skill in stone cutting was unparalleled.

Present day Armenians can be found in America as School teachers and professors. They are social workers and professionals too. Being careful with their money they have been wise investors and in Fresno owned most of all refrigerated warehouses, yet had theaters dedicated to past master writers
whose work is still regarded as masterful.

Most importantly they were refugees when they came, in mass, in 1910-15 to America. They did not stay refugees, they made something of themselves in short order. Just like the Jews and other groups who have been victims of genocide and a Diaspora, they have excelled.

However, the murders of their families is still fresh in their minds as 80% of the population was executed or starved to death.

I admire these people for what they have done and for what some of them have done for me.
There is no such thing as a second generation refugee, it is not heritable. They have proven why. You get up and go to work to make something of yourselves.

Only one group in the history of mankind has made being a refugee inherited. They live in the middle east and you can see what the difference is. Self determination to do the best they can no matter where they are.

I mourn with you my fellow Armenians. May your future be bright and someday the wounds are healed.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

LA's ex-gangsters train with police to go against gang life.


LA's ex-gangsters train with police to go against gang life.

Yahoo blog that follows all started with WE NEED TO...

So I wrote:
WE NEED TO.....stop right there.
I grew up in Lynwood and in 1959 someone spray painted on a garage wall Rolling 78s. Probably a gang initiation as it only happened once. That is when we should have done something.

Did we know that the CIA raised money for black ops back
The Heroin that came in on Air America landed at Air Force Bases and was picked up in government vehicles and taken to safe houses. Then it was sold in Black Communities all over America. Ronald Reagen and Oliver North were importing Cocaine the same way to pay for Iran -Contra. How do we stop gangs while the government creates them. These are all true and documented.

How can so much enter our country without someone our side letting it happen. Too much money in it. Take the money out of it. Legalize any natural drug. Scary consequences for the addictive stuff if you make, transport or sell bulk quantities.

People need jobs that pay fair wages. Kids need not good schools but great schools that kids actually want to go to. Make food affordable. Start with love instead of hate. With love we can do anything. Hate and we are doomed.

Kids need good families to grow up in. Immigrants associate with their own kind and are scared. I don't know how to stop this but taking the money out of drugs will help.
Return our freedoms and question everything. I am an old Compton College grad and I have seen better times.

I pray we have them again.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Happy the Wonder Dog!

Happy left this life in 1990. His picture is on the wall with my other children.
I carry his Dog Tags with me at all times so I will never forget.

I met him as a pup at the orphanage and adopted him.

Catching things thrown at him. He liked to get out of the house once in a while and hunt. He would bring home some of what he found (usually bones) and give it to me. He liked to play tug of war.

A National Forest started at my back yard and Happy would go out at night and protect my daughter's (Jenny) rabbits from the coyotes. He would lie perfectly still until they were near and then pop up and give chase. He did not hurt them. It was just a form of a game.

Happy liked to catch rope that was thrown at him and wait for directions on what to do with it. This was part of rescue training. He really loved to help people.

Bad people, burglars, dopers and prowlers. He pinned two across the street when I lived in Fresno. I have no idea how he got free; yet, when my neighbor Sandy, a elementary school teacher, got home she found much of her valuables were missing. Not thinking she went through the house and in the back yard her things were neatly lain on the lawn and Happy had two men pinned against her garage. The men called for help as they had been there for four hours. She called the police and then called me. The police got there first and Happy would not let them approach. One officer mentioned shooting Happy to get to the men and Sandy went ballistic. I got there a few
minutes later and rather shocked asked what they wanted me to do. I did not want him hurt. I told him "home" and he trotted off with high steps and head up. "Show off" I called to him.
Uniforms. I caught a meter reader, who was next door, spraying him in the face with mace because he was barking at her. He had several other abusive encounters with officials before his first birthday. I decided not to train this behavior out of him as I was concerned what would happen to him if he left himself vulnerable.

Sneaking a nap on my couch. Sitting in front of my house waiting for an Avocado to fall of my tree, roll off my roof and he would catch it and bring it to me. I don't know why???? He liked it.

Trying to copy his older brother (not litter brother) an Australian Shepherd named Bowser. I would toss food to them as rewards. Bowser loved grapes. He would catch a grape, flip it with his tongue and bit down. Happy would try to do the same but could not ever bite one. he would chew and chew and chew and the grape would sooner or later fall out of his mouth. I had to squish them so he could eat. I am not sure if he actually liked them. He was an alpha and did not like to finish second to his witty brother.

1 1/2 " rope which hung from a pine tree. He would play tug of war with the tree

A space heater in my daughters room caught fire at the wall and Happy tried pulling me out of bed with great urgency. I shook my wife and went with Happy to open the door and the whole wall was on fire. He woke my son up and we all got outside safe and then he went to where they were sitting. He licked and wined and babied them. He knew to reassure the children and my kids always felt safe with Happy near them

We loved doing things together although we once had a fight for dominance while rough housing. He bit the top of my head hard and I clocked him. I knocked him out.  I ran and got an ammonia ampoule and put the smelling salts under his nose.  He suddenly woke up and started barking and I swear he barked at everything for 5-10 minutes then he took a hunk of bacon from me  and settled at my feet apparently satisfied to be a member of my pack.

Saturday Baseball and Snacking With a Brew.
We were watching our usual Saturday baseball game on TV and Happy grabbed a Peanut out of a bowl and crunched the shell, let the nuts fall out and ate them and to my surprise he picked up the shells and put them in my shell bowl. From then on he and I watched a game on Saturday and drank a couple of beers, I would pour him a bowl, and we ate salted peanuts.
I was careful as two beers were his limit and we only did this on Saturday.

All animals are unique. Happy was my best friend, he never hurt me in anyway and was always loyal. I miss him so much I still cry. I after 20 years still carry his dog tags with me at all times and someday soon I will see him again.

I know this to be true.  It is in my heart.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

According to a new article featured at the National Geographic website, near-death experiences have been discovered to be “tricks of the mind triggered by an overload of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream.” This information is based on a new study, where researchers investigated ways that the  differing levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide present in the bloodstream at moments involving surgery or traumatic shock might contribute to the strange experiences.

Have none you any experience living!  All living animals seek altered consciousness.  It is necessary for survival.  I first learned this from a lecture at UCLA by the Chair of Pharmacology.
Dogs do it, spiders do it, even cows seek altered consciousness.

It resets the memory registers to put it in metaphorical way.  You go crazy if you don't.

I have had certainly breathed into a bag "Back in the Day." to induce a CO2 high but can tell you that I had no unusual experience.  I have taken LSD, Mescaline, Peyote(The alkaloids are different) Psilocybin (organic or synthetic) and a number of Entheogenic substances ingested while working at my Trade of Anthropology.

I had a NDE 5 years ago after contracting MRSA.  MRSA kills you by creating a toxin when it multiplies that dilates your blood vessels.  Simply put, with your blood vessels completely  dilated you do not have enough blood to keep the body running.  When my MRSA was discovered I was being woke up for surgery to relocate a hip replacement.  My diastolic blood pressure was too low for surgery and try as I could it kept dropping.  A doc was quickly called in and asked a few questions and ordered dopamine.

Next thing I know I am in a place that had a complete absence of darkness.  I didn't hurt for the first time in my life and I could remember everything that I ever experienced including a speck of dust or a scent of jasmine.  I met a Brilliant plasma shape and I was in awe.  I knew who and what this was.  A smaller plasma shape was on it's right.  I was told I  was OK and could stay if I wanted and man did I.  I confessed I failed my children when their mom died and I wanted to repair that and finish parenting my 30 something children.  OK!  That was that and I woke up two weeks later.

The Odds of surviving MRSA it was actually VRSA (more deadly) was .0001.  Odds of living one year.  50%

I never saw anything that was not actually there under the influence of hallucinogenics entheogenics, psychedelics or brain injury.

This is either a hardwired survival mechanism that does things you will never come close to experiencing in your entire life.
Or, it is an actual transcendental spiritual experience.

How can you imagine something you have never experienced?
Why are you corporeal during a NDE ?
Why did I have an experience that I later discovered is common?

Most science I see at the University is subjective to opinion.

I have had 5 years of peace, serenity and complete loss of fear of dying.

If you find the drug that does that please post it on my website.