Amber Ticker

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Tue, 2011-12-06 09:51
I'm an anarchist who believes

I'm an anarchist who believes in a strong police force and a good, stable representative democracy. Capitalism is pretty cool, since through a hard work ethic it lets people rise up to the point of being a manager or owner of a company, and thereby contribute even more. Also, I firmly believe in America and the American dream.

-- Noam Chomsky

This my response to the above post from

These are not Chomsky's thoughts and that kind loses me in if you are an Anarchist at all?  Capitalism is a poor basis for government just as  communism, while being a find personal practice, also makes a poor form of government.  The strong police force sounds comforting; yet, these kinds of enforcement are almost universally abusive to the public. 

Freedom is the key to all moral success.  Weather it is reaching success as a business owner or as a state employee, freedom is the key and is what makes America different than any other country and why no other countries system can apply here. The government is the peoples will. Let's take this a little further. America has a great deal of Federal and State lands containing vast resources. The government oversees the harvesting  of oil, gas, timber, minerals, water and on and on. These resources are the property of the citizens of the United States of America.  So when these resources are sold by a business why don't you  receive royalties.  The Alaskan government does this.  It is called the Alaskan Permanent Fund.  All sales of resources from state land are levied for 25% of the royalties and these funds are collected for five years.  The money is invested and the five year average is paid out to the citizens if Alaska. 
Every man, woman and child each year receives a check for around $2500.00-$3000.00. Even though all resources may be taken the checks will continue because they are from the invested monies profits.  If we the people are the government then we are owed a great deal of money because we  are not England or France.  We are the only government  that is representative of the people.  We are not members, slaves, employees, or the population.  We are the owners and rulers of our government. If we started behaving as such we would become prosperous again and have our freedoms returned to us.  Think about it... it is yours.  No where else is this true.  Only America and that is the reason America will not fail.  We will once again take our government back.

Funny that Chomsky is anti-Zionist. Another Diaspora people are the Armenians. Although the Armenian Genocide was in 1915 or so they have not had a homeland for a very long time.  You can see the work or their stone masons in the first churches of Jerusalem. A few years ago they got their own country.  They are a different religion too.  The Armenian Orthodox Church. Maybe he forgot to get excited about these people seeking to have their native land returned to them after a few thousand years.

Now as an Anthropologist I have had problems with Noam's recent ideas(from the late 60's on.  He became a mainstream leftest spokesman and no longer a dissonant anthropologist and linguist. I thank him for his taking a stand when no one else would.  That was brave. Even if I don't agree I respect him for seeing differently.  We who propose something other than the status-quot are frequently discredited.  

I don't consider myself an Anarchist. Many others do and that gets me fired often.  It comes with the job.  I think different and see a bigger picture.  I am brighter than most but that isn't what makes me different.  I prove my theories even if  I have to pay for the experiments to explore my ideas.  Sometimes I am wrong.  That's OK.  It is good to be humble. 
So what am I saying... be yourself and don't ever fear to  be different.  You very well might end up a martyr and death is a price we sometimes pay.  It's OK.  It is one of the industrial diseases of our profession. (Thank You Dire Straights)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Childhood abuse linked to Fybromyalgia and other illness and syndromes.

Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma

Volume 20, Issue 4, 2011

Functional Somatic Syndromes and Childhood Physical Abuse in Women: Data From a Representative Community-Based Sample

Functional Somatic Syndromes and Childhood Physical Abuse in Women: Data From a Representative Community-Based Sample

Esme Fuller-Thomsona*, Joanne Sulmanb, Sarah Brennenstuhlc & Moeza Merchantd
pages 445-469
Available online: 11 May 2011


This study investigated whether childhood physical abuse was associated with functional somatic syndromes (FSS) in women while controlling for age, race, and four clusters of potentially confounding factors: (a) Other childhood adversities, (b) adult health behaviors, (c) socioeconomic status and stressors, and (d) mental health. A regional subsample of the 2005 Canadian Community Health Survey of 7,342 women was used. Women reported whether they had been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (Fm), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS). Fully 749 reported having been physically abused by someone close to them during their youth. When controlling for potentially confounding factors, childhood physical abuse was significantly associated with CFS (OR = 2.11; 95% CI = 1.22, 3.65), Fm (OR = 1.65; 95% CI = 1.08, 2.52), and MCS (OR = 2.82; 95% = CI 1.90, 4.17). Clinicians using reattribution and stepped care approaches in the management of FSS should assess for a history of abuse.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Some rules i try to live by

Credit for this one goes to:

Some rules i try to live by: This is me and is what this site is about.  Off the Grid!

1. don't panic. don't take anything, not even these words (and especially not yourself), too seriously.
2. never stop thinking.. if someone ever says to you ‘you need to stop thinking so much' just ignore them and keep thinking deeper... your mind is the most important tool you have, if you stop using it, it will atrophy. FACT.
3. daydream as much as possible, even if it's only for a few seconds at a time. stare into space blankly and don’t ever punish yourself for doing it. there's no such thing as wasting time.
4. don’t be afraid to talk about anything. ask questions, and demand answers.
5. everyone is original. every life experience is case sensitive and unique. every thing you do makes you more YOU than anyone else has ever been.
6. stop rushing. take your time and enjoy every moment.
7. don't let anyone tell you what to believe. discover 'religion' for yourself.. it should never be taught, only found.
8. talking to yourself is healthy. who else do you have more in common with?
9. we will always be in a transitional phase. look around you and know that everything will be replaced at some point.. this existence is only temporary.
10. if someone else has already said it better, don't be afraid to quote them.
11. there is no such thing as time. there is only your life- earlier today you were born and death is predicted later in the evening.
12. every now and then take something that you see everyday and try to see it in a different light. renew its existence.
13. be happy... but don’t force it. that defeats the purpose. discover what is making you unhappy, and change it.
14. you will always succeed in trying.
15. we are all crazy. every person you read about in the history books, already know, or will maybe meet on the street, has or had some kind of ‘disorder’ just have to learn how to use yours.
16. we are all about as similar as we are different.
17. ideas are just as valuable as people. why do you think we keep making people? we hope new people will have new ideas to share- so don't let everyone down by keeping yours to yourself.
18. words will always be just words. only the feelings are real
19. ask a child for advice, and never speak down to them. they may not know much, but they know what is important.
20. prove you’re alive. remind the world you are still here.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Love How You Love Me.


Been in Arkansas playing with the Arabians and have 3 mares in foal.  Could have them any day now.  I had to return to Fort Worth TX as it is cooler.  Texas is having the hottest summer in history.  A couple of months over 100F everyday and I can't believe that Arkansas is 20+ degrees hotter with high humidity.  Glad our horses are from Egypt.

Keep the faith and all of Jah's love to the earth.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The Warm Fuzzy Tale

The Original Warm Fuzzy Tale
By Claude Steiner

Once upon a time, a long time ago there lived two very happy people called Tim and Maggi with their two children, John and Lucy.

To understand how happy they were you have to understand how things were in those days. You see, in those happy days everyone was given, at birth, a small soft Fuzzy Bag. Anytime a person reached into this bag he was able to pull out a Warm Fuzzy.

Warm Fuzzies were very much in demand because whenever somebody was given a Warm Fuzzy it made him feel warm and fuzzy all over. People who didn't get Warm Fuzzies regularly were in danger of developing a sickness in their backs which caused them to shrivel up and die.

In those days it was very easy to get Warm Fuzzies. Anytime that somebody felt like it, he might walk up to you and say, "I'd like to have a Warm Fuzzy." You would then reach into your bag and pull out a Fuzzy the size of a little girl's hand.

As soon as the Fuzzy saw the light of day it would smile and blossom into a large shaggy Warm Fuzzy. You then would lay it on the person's shoulder or head or lap and it would snuggle up and melt right against their skin and make them feel good all over.

People were always asking each other for Warm Fuzzies, and since they were always given freely, getting enough of them was never a problem.

There were always plenty to go around, and as a consequence everyone was happy and felt warm and fuzzy most of the time.

One day a bad witch became angry because everyone was so happy and no one was buying potions and salves.

The witch was very clever and devised a very wicked plan.

One beautiful morning the witch crept up to Tim while Maggi was playing with their daughter and whispered in his ear, "See here, Tim, look at all the Fuzzies that Maggi is giving to Lucy. You know, if she keeps it up, eventually she is going to run out and then there won't be any left for you."

Tim was astonished. He turned to the witch and said, "Do you mean to tell me that there isn't a Warm Fuzzy in our bag every time we reach into it?" And the witch said, "No, absolutely not, and once you run out, that's it. You don't have any more." With this, the witch flew away, laughing and cackling.

Tim took this to heart and began to notice every time Maggi gave up a Warm Fuzzy to somebody else. Eventually he got very worried and upset because he liked Maggi's Warm Fuzzies very much and did not want to give them up. He certainly did not think it was right for Maggi to be spending all her Warm Fuzzies on the children and on other people.

He began to complain every time he saw Maggi giving a Warm Fuzzy to somebody else, and because Maggi liked him very much, she stopped giving Warm Fuzzies to other people as often and reserved them for him.

The children watched this and soon began to get the idea that it was wrong to give up Warm Fuzzies any time you were asked or felt like it.

They too became very careful. They would watch their parents closely, and whenever they felt that one of their parents was giving too many Fuzzies to others, they also began to object. They began to feel worried whenever they gave away too many Warm Fuzzies.

Even though they found a Warm Fuzzy every time they reached into their bag, they reached in less and less and became more and more stingy. Soon people began to notice the lack of Warm Fuzzies, and they began to feel less warm and less fuzzy. They began to shrivel up, and, occasionally, people would die from lack of Warm Fuzzies.

More and more people went to the witch to buy potions and salves even though they didn't seem to work.

Well, the situation was getting very serious indeed. The bad witch didn't really want the people to die (since dead people couldn't buy salves and potions) so a new plan was devised.

Everyone was given a bag that was very similar to the Fuzzy Bag except that this one was cold while the Fuzzy Bag was warm. Inside of the witch's bag were Cold Pricklies. These Cold Pricklies did not make people feel warm and fuzzy, but made them feel cold and prickly instead.

But they did prevent people's bag's from shriveling up. So, from then on, every time somebody said, "I want a Warm Fuzzy," people who were worried about depleting their supply would say, "I can't give you a Warm Fuzzy, but would you like a Cold Prickly?"

Sometimes, two people would walk up to each other, thinking they could get a Warm Fuzzy, but one or the other of them would change his mind and they would wind up giving each other Cold Pricklies. So while very few people were dying, a lot of people were still unhappy and feeling very Cold and Prickly.

The situation got very complicated. Warm Fuzzies, which used to be thought of as free as air, became extremely valuable. This caused people to do all sorts of things in order to obtain them.

Before the witch had appeared, people used to gather in groups of three or four or five, never caring too much who was giving Warm Fuzzies to whom. After the coming of the witch, people began to pair off to reserve all their Warm Fuzzies for each other exclusively. People who forgot themselves and gave a Fuzzy to someone else would feel guilty because they knew that their partner would probably resent the loss. People who could not find a generous partner had to buy their Fuzzies and they worked long hours to earn the money.

Another thing which happened was that some people would take Cold Pricklies.....which were limitless and freely available..... coat them white and fluffy, and pass them on as Warm Fuzzies.

These counterfeit Warm Fuzzies were really Plastic Fuzzies, and they caused additional difficulties. For instance, two people would get together and freely exchange Plastic Fuzzies, which presumably should have made them feel good, but they came away feeling bad instead. Since they thought they had been exchanging Warm Fuzzies, people grew very confused about this, never realizing that their cold, prickly feelings were really the result of the fact that they had been given a lot of Plastic Fuzzies.

So the situation was very, very dismal, and it all started because of the coming of the witch who made people believe that some day, when least expected, they might reach into their Warm Fuzzy Bag and find no more.

Not long ago, a lovely, strong woman with big hips and a happy smile came to this unhappy land. She seemed not to have heard about the witch and was not worried about running out of Warm Fuzzies. She gave them out freely, even when not asked. People called her the Hip Woman and some disapproved of her because she was giving the children the idea that they should not worry about running out of Warm Fuzzies.

The children liked her very much because they felt good around her. They, too, began to give out Warm Fuzzies whenever they felt like it.

The grownups became concerned and decided to pass a law to protect the children from using up their supplies of Warm Fuzzies. The law made it a criminal offense to give out Warm Fuzzies in a reckless manner, without a license.

Many children, however, seemed not to know or care, and in spite of the law they continued to give each other Warm Fuzzies whenever they felt like it and always when asked.

Because there were many many children...almost as many as began to look as if maybe the children would have their way.

As of now it is hard to say what will happen. Will the forces of law and order stop the children? Are the grownups going to join with the Hip Woman and the children in taking a chance that there will always be as many Warm Fuzzies as needed?

Will Tim and Maggi, recalling the days when they were so happy and when Warm Fuzzies were unlimited, begin to give away Warm Fuzzies freely again?

The struggle spread all over the land and is probably going on right where you live. If you want to, and I hope you do, you can join by freely giving and asking for Warm Fuzzies and by being as loving and healthy as you can.

Saturday, January 22, 2011