Amber Ticker
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Murder in the Congo!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
| This is a repost that I consider too important to ever forget. .."On July 22 of last year( 2007) unknown assailants crouched in the forest, preparing to execute a family of gorillas. Hidden on a side slope of the Mikeno volcano in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, armed with automatic weapons, the killers had hunted down the twelve-member Rugendo family, well-known among tourists and well loved by the rangers of Virunga National Park." From National Geographic link below. Seven of this Gorilla family were found executed, shot in the back of the head or just plain gun blasts to the chest. Words like "executed" are quite apt as a student of Anthropology I find little difference in the Gorilla's family relations and man's. One Mother Gorilla, shot in the back of the head had two young children who survived. The baby of the two was still clinging to his mothers breast as his older brother pulled him away and sought other family members for help. Would you do any different... The 700 surviving gorillas are being killed as a warning that more would be killed if this certain para-military group burning of trees for the production of charcoal is in any way disturbed. It is a multi-million dollar business as the people of the Congo have no other source of heat for cooking and washing. It is estimated that it would cost $10,000,000 to import and equip the population with propane. Surely the peoples of the world have felt the same rage that I have and are willing to do what ever is needed to put to an end, the practice of this evil. 700 is all that are left in the world. Do you think they are any less loved by the creator than us? The Congo is a very special place and the people are peaceful and kind. Many tourists are returning to see the Gorillas and they are paying the killers for the right to visit. This also simply has to stop. The transfer of disease by close contact with humans has happened many times before. The real Park Rangers (heroes in themselves) say that 21' is as close as you can safely observe these families. Go to the Congo; but, stay away from the gorilla habitat. You are not that important, and they are! Read the National Geographic story and learn what and how you can be a part of these magnificent creatures survival. Click the link below, but a warning... very graphic photos of great violence are posted and are not for the weak of heart or for our young children to see. For if we don't care to protect these close relatives of ours, what will our children think of their own families safety. ![]() |
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
H1N1 Flu Shot: 3 Major Fears Debunked By Electronics Magazine Wired
H1N1 Flu Shot: 3 Major Fears Debunked
* By Erin Biba Email Author
* October 19, 2009 |
* 3:00 pm |
* Wired Nov 2009
MY BLOG ENTRY 1-28-2009
Yeah, I read the same thing in Sports Illustrated. Debunked? Hardly, this is like a sophomore science paper. Let's not let facts get in the way of good conversation. You don't have to have a degree in medicine to come to the conclusion this is one weird bug.
For people to mater of factually list reasons one through ten why you should, should not be vaccinated, for what we are calling H1N1, as if it is the obvious gospel truth, is incredulous.
We do have a little experience with epidemics. We hate them. We hate most anything we can't control. Epidemics hurt people, people we love. Most of us fear death too. We fear the reaper.
I have watched epidemics all my life. I got knocked on my ass by a couple of flu bugs too. In the late 50's and late 60's. These were bad but I lived. Seen much worse.
I remember when kids just started disappearing. I remember kids that could run suddenly becoming cripples and never ran again. I remember kids getting the Measles and end up wearing huge hearing aids. Polio, Measles Diphtheria. My mom had heart problems from Scarlet Fever.
Whole hospitals were dedicated to polio and you could see mostly kids outside in rocking beds that helped them breath. The 50's were a medical horror show for a kid. The vaccines saved millions from death or debilitation.
I watched my healthy daughter get vaccinations and sent off to war in Saudi Arabia and come home badly debilitated. Probably experimental anthrax or nerve gas Vaccines.
Some of this science listed here is very good. Some is VERY bad.
Tell you a story:
At 18 months old I was normal one day and the next day someone threw on the terror switch and I became afraid of everyone. That was 1949. Autism was discovered (created?) in 1953. I am one of the lucky ones I believe and I have spent my life trying to be social and not doing very well.
I don't rule anything out with this bastard: because, science can't tell you how an aspirin works. The most studied drug in existence and the PDR will tell you, "Course of action, unknown."
I got a seasonal flu shot again as I am in a high risk group. I will not get a H1N1 shot as we have never seen anything like this before.
Now a few years ago a new bug, a retrovirus showed up in New Mexico's rat population and a new communicable disease was born. 11 people suddenly died. No real story on where or how this bug arrived but with the earth receiving more radiation than in recent history mutations are a plenty. Radiation is good for life. Just not so good for a life.
I have lived my whole life disabled and when doctors are not saving me they are killing me... lol Why is there MRSA? So I can tell you about it.
Research this bug carefully as it is certainly atypical.
Side effects from vaccination, you might not know for years as we really don't know what this strange bug is. The DNA doesn't seem possible, but there it is.
About 2 months ago my housekeeper showed up horribly ill. God bless her. She wouldn't miss a day knowing how much I need her. She works three jobs and no health insurance. Her pasture got her to a doctor who gave her Tamiflu and in about ten days she was well. Flu like illness but what we will never know. About a month ago her daughter who worked for me showed up very ill. Same story although this time her little brother got it too. Seasonal flu hadn't showed up yet and the University where I live had a confrimed case of H1N1 so that is very possible. I have immunity problems and take steroids to boot and never got a sniffle.
I learned 1 valuable thing from a Multible Myleoma support group I belong to and that is propagation. The virus enters the body through you mouth or nose. If you let stay there for a few days it will propagate and increase in numbers large enough to overwhelm your immune system and enter the lungs or infect the throat. If you gargle salt water twice a day it will kill the virus. If you drink hot beverages 4 times a day it will wash it down to the stomach where it will be killed. If you wash out you nose every day you can flush it out. This is how people stayed well before modern times. If you get something so nasty you no immunity you can feel ill and a few hours later be near death. I know. I was 25 at the time. I never knew you could get so sick so fast.
Now there are people out there that don't care if you live or die. All some of them want is money. We call these people villians. There are large pharmacuical corporations that are villionous. One killed 44,000 trusting people with a drug they knew was bad. They got a hefty fine.
One company, Stanley, sent live bird flue virus to 50 labs to test telling them it was a vaccine. A technician in Austria tested the "drug" on lab animals and they all promply died. It was then discoverd that what they had was very dangerous and somehow got past all the safeguards like the radiation before shipment they were supposed to have. This was a few months ago.
Another sent parcels of live bird, swine, and human viruses together and were mislabled. Another terrible accident that was discovered in time. There are more.
Does this mean the drug companies are evil and have a plan. I don't know. I really don't.
Does it make me feel better that the Mexican outbreak happen a few killometers from Stanley's Mexican facility. No, but it does make me wonder how a new drug company from Pakistan got to be world wide so guick. Lots to think about, huh.
I would think this one through real well. This is life or death. Learn what you can and don't take anyones word for it. Use your God given sences and then and only then treat yourself and your love ones. And for Christ's sake don't be telling people what to do because you have a guess or a policy.
Be careful folks and good luck to you all.
A fellow American
* By Erin Biba Email Author
* October 19, 2009 |
* 3:00 pm |
* Wired Nov 2009
MY BLOG ENTRY 1-28-2009
Yeah, I read the same thing in Sports Illustrated. Debunked? Hardly, this is like a sophomore science paper. Let's not let facts get in the way of good conversation. You don't have to have a degree in medicine to come to the conclusion this is one weird bug.
For people to mater of factually list reasons one through ten why you should, should not be vaccinated, for what we are calling H1N1, as if it is the obvious gospel truth, is incredulous.
We do have a little experience with epidemics. We hate them. We hate most anything we can't control. Epidemics hurt people, people we love. Most of us fear death too. We fear the reaper.
I have watched epidemics all my life. I got knocked on my ass by a couple of flu bugs too. In the late 50's and late 60's. These were bad but I lived. Seen much worse.
I remember when kids just started disappearing. I remember kids that could run suddenly becoming cripples and never ran again. I remember kids getting the Measles and end up wearing huge hearing aids. Polio, Measles Diphtheria. My mom had heart problems from Scarlet Fever.
Whole hospitals were dedicated to polio and you could see mostly kids outside in rocking beds that helped them breath. The 50's were a medical horror show for a kid. The vaccines saved millions from death or debilitation.
I watched my healthy daughter get vaccinations and sent off to war in Saudi Arabia and come home badly debilitated. Probably experimental anthrax or nerve gas Vaccines.
Some of this science listed here is very good. Some is VERY bad.
Tell you a story:
At 18 months old I was normal one day and the next day someone threw on the terror switch and I became afraid of everyone. That was 1949. Autism was discovered (created?) in 1953. I am one of the lucky ones I believe and I have spent my life trying to be social and not doing very well.
I don't rule anything out with this bastard: because, science can't tell you how an aspirin works. The most studied drug in existence and the PDR will tell you, "Course of action, unknown."
I got a seasonal flu shot again as I am in a high risk group. I will not get a H1N1 shot as we have never seen anything like this before.
Now a few years ago a new bug, a retrovirus showed up in New Mexico's rat population and a new communicable disease was born. 11 people suddenly died. No real story on where or how this bug arrived but with the earth receiving more radiation than in recent history mutations are a plenty. Radiation is good for life. Just not so good for a life.
I have lived my whole life disabled and when doctors are not saving me they are killing me... lol Why is there MRSA? So I can tell you about it.
Research this bug carefully as it is certainly atypical.
Side effects from vaccination, you might not know for years as we really don't know what this strange bug is. The DNA doesn't seem possible, but there it is.
About 2 months ago my housekeeper showed up horribly ill. God bless her. She wouldn't miss a day knowing how much I need her. She works three jobs and no health insurance. Her pasture got her to a doctor who gave her Tamiflu and in about ten days she was well. Flu like illness but what we will never know. About a month ago her daughter who worked for me showed up very ill. Same story although this time her little brother got it too. Seasonal flu hadn't showed up yet and the University where I live had a confrimed case of H1N1 so that is very possible. I have immunity problems and take steroids to boot and never got a sniffle.
I learned 1 valuable thing from a Multible Myleoma support group I belong to and that is propagation. The virus enters the body through you mouth or nose. If you let stay there for a few days it will propagate and increase in numbers large enough to overwhelm your immune system and enter the lungs or infect the throat. If you gargle salt water twice a day it will kill the virus. If you drink hot beverages 4 times a day it will wash it down to the stomach where it will be killed. If you wash out you nose every day you can flush it out. This is how people stayed well before modern times. If you get something so nasty you no immunity you can feel ill and a few hours later be near death. I know. I was 25 at the time. I never knew you could get so sick so fast.
Now there are people out there that don't care if you live or die. All some of them want is money. We call these people villians. There are large pharmacuical corporations that are villionous. One killed 44,000 trusting people with a drug they knew was bad. They got a hefty fine.
One company, Stanley, sent live bird flue virus to 50 labs to test telling them it was a vaccine. A technician in Austria tested the "drug" on lab animals and they all promply died. It was then discoverd that what they had was very dangerous and somehow got past all the safeguards like the radiation before shipment they were supposed to have. This was a few months ago.
Another sent parcels of live bird, swine, and human viruses together and were mislabled. Another terrible accident that was discovered in time. There are more.
Does this mean the drug companies are evil and have a plan. I don't know. I really don't.
Does it make me feel better that the Mexican outbreak happen a few killometers from Stanley's Mexican facility. No, but it does make me wonder how a new drug company from Pakistan got to be world wide so guick. Lots to think about, huh.
I would think this one through real well. This is life or death. Learn what you can and don't take anyones word for it. Use your God given sences and then and only then treat yourself and your love ones. And for Christ's sake don't be telling people what to do because you have a guess or a policy.
Be careful folks and good luck to you all.
A fellow American
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Martial Law in Massachusetts Coming.
This network news from FOX with Judge Andrew Napolitano reporting that both legislative houses in Massachusetts have passed legislation that the Governor said he would sign, declaring martial law if the Governor decided there was a public health emergency. This law would give non-health professionals the right to enter your home and give you the choise of either being vaccinated or being incarcerated. It also empowers such agents to remove children from the premises and to vaccinate them without parental consent. Martial law would remove the need for warrants.
I am really interested in what the Federal Courts are going to say about this. You?
I am really interested in what the Federal Courts are going to say about this. You?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Legalization and regulation of Marijuana is am obvious step foreword. I suffer from great pain and yet I cannot risk using MJ as I am too old to risk criminal charges. It does work, I will tell you that.
Regulation will cut the Grower, smuggler and dealer out of the picture and free our resources to go after the truly dangerous drugs.
With regulation will come Billions of dollars in tax revenues to fund rehabilitation, education and prosecution of traffickers and leave plenty for providing health insurance.
AS an Anthropologist I see that American use of drugs has a cause. Without revealing the cause the war on drugs cannot be won. Our children live in fear, uncertainty and see via television advertising that there is a drug for everything.
Why are so many of our children unhappy. Answer that and you win the war on drugs
Comment by Paddy Crothers - February 14, 2007 at 7:09 pm
Regulation will cut the Grower, smuggler and dealer out of the picture and free our resources to go after the truly dangerous drugs.
With regulation will come Billions of dollars in tax revenues to fund rehabilitation, education and prosecution of traffickers and leave plenty for providing health insurance.
AS an Anthropologist I see that American use of drugs has a cause. Without revealing the cause the war on drugs cannot be won. Our children live in fear, uncertainty and see via television advertising that there is a drug for everything.
Why are so many of our children unhappy. Answer that and you win the war on drugs
Comment by Paddy Crothers - February 14, 2007 at 7:09 pm
Illegal Immigrants Have Been a Diversion to a Finacial Coup de Gras.
There has been much discussion about the reasons why American will not enforce their borders. Going on ten years after 9/11 we have opened our borders to allow anyone to illegally cross into the USA. The Immigration services have found Korans in the desert at coyotes stopping points. Mosques have popped open all across the the US. The State Department gave permission to Saudi Arabia to build 1000 Mosques. Who are these Mosques for? The country has been infiltrated and we have done nothing to protect our homes and families.
The COMMITTEE on AMERICAN-ISLAMIC RELATIONS OR CAIR, A group tied directly to the convicted terror group the Holy Land Comittee has now infiltrated the Congress at a high level.
Over at the Senate, CAIR has cultivated Muslim moles inside the offices of key Democrat leaders – including Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on human rights. His aide Reema Dodin – who's in regular contact with CAIR – is a Palestinian rights activist who organized anti-Israel rallies as a campus radical at UC Berkeley.
Commenting on the 9/11 attacks as a leader of the radical Muslim Students Association – which was founded by Muslim Brotherhood members – Dodin explained away the suicide attacks as a tragic but inevitable response to U.S. support for Israel, which she says is "angering" Muslims the world over.
"No one wants to stop and think that these young men, in the prime of their lives, choose to do this to themselves. Why?" she said in an interview with a campus magazine. "Because now you have three generations of Palestinians born under occupation.
"Maybe if you start to look at Palestinians as human beings," she added, "you will stop the suicide bombers."
Dodin went on to justify violent jihad. "Islam does teach that you must defend yourself," she said. "You cannot lie down and allow yourself, your home, your property, your family, and your people to be consistently oppressed."
At the same time, she condemned U.S. strikes against the Taliban and al-Qaida in Afghanistan, complaining that the military was "just going to hit innocent civilians."
Today, Durbin's legislative aide points to the election of two Muslim congressmen – Democrats Ellison of Minnesota and Andre Carson of Indiana – as proof Muslims can penetrate "the system" and bring about change from within.
This is just the beginning as interns and aids are working for other congressmen all the while CAIR has been indicted on terror charges and their leaders states their goal is to make American a Muslim state.
And then there is the 20 million illegals living in the USA Our government says they can do nothing about.
Anyone who thinks this is about low cost labor has been badly fooled. Look at the results, look at the actions taken in the last 20 years. Look at the resistance by our government to doing anything to stem the flow of foreigners into the USA.
This was planned. Just as the selling of the trans-Texas corridor to a company owned by the King of Spain and the Rothchildes.
The deal we have with WHO and the UN that gives them power over the US government in case of National State of Emergency. There was a practice run of the blue hats down in the south this summer just in case of such an emergency.
Our Governor Rick Perry had this in the works for years and past legislation disguised to allow the sale of Texas infrastructure.
This is a road from a Mexican port to Chicago using Mexican truckers unloading and carrying Chinese goods.
No one can tell me that the Marines could not secure the border.
The take down of the economy the last 10 years was all planned.
They have kept us separated with politics, liberal, conservatives, with racism and sexuality, so the United States can be carved up like a side of beef.
As long as we are arguing with each other we have no chance.
It is not too late but the clock is ticking.
It is time to stand up as Americans and take our country back. Hell, even the illegals have a stake in this as we will all be slaves of the new order.
Look at the facts. Look them up. This is our time to prove we are worth our salt.
I LOVE AMERICA. God bless America
The COMMITTEE on AMERICAN-ISLAMIC RELATIONS OR CAIR, A group tied directly to the convicted terror group the Holy Land Comittee has now infiltrated the Congress at a high level.
Over at the Senate, CAIR has cultivated Muslim moles inside the offices of key Democrat leaders – including Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on human rights. His aide Reema Dodin – who's in regular contact with CAIR – is a Palestinian rights activist who organized anti-Israel rallies as a campus radical at UC Berkeley.
Commenting on the 9/11 attacks as a leader of the radical Muslim Students Association – which was founded by Muslim Brotherhood members – Dodin explained away the suicide attacks as a tragic but inevitable response to U.S. support for Israel, which she says is "angering" Muslims the world over.
"No one wants to stop and think that these young men, in the prime of their lives, choose to do this to themselves. Why?" she said in an interview with a campus magazine. "Because now you have three generations of Palestinians born under occupation.
"Maybe if you start to look at Palestinians as human beings," she added, "you will stop the suicide bombers."
Dodin went on to justify violent jihad. "Islam does teach that you must defend yourself," she said. "You cannot lie down and allow yourself, your home, your property, your family, and your people to be consistently oppressed."
At the same time, she condemned U.S. strikes against the Taliban and al-Qaida in Afghanistan, complaining that the military was "just going to hit innocent civilians."
Today, Durbin's legislative aide points to the election of two Muslim congressmen – Democrats Ellison of Minnesota and Andre Carson of Indiana – as proof Muslims can penetrate "the system" and bring about change from within.
This is just the beginning as interns and aids are working for other congressmen all the while CAIR has been indicted on terror charges and their leaders states their goal is to make American a Muslim state.
And then there is the 20 million illegals living in the USA Our government says they can do nothing about.
Anyone who thinks this is about low cost labor has been badly fooled. Look at the results, look at the actions taken in the last 20 years. Look at the resistance by our government to doing anything to stem the flow of foreigners into the USA.
This was planned. Just as the selling of the trans-Texas corridor to a company owned by the King of Spain and the Rothchildes.
The deal we have with WHO and the UN that gives them power over the US government in case of National State of Emergency. There was a practice run of the blue hats down in the south this summer just in case of such an emergency.
Our Governor Rick Perry had this in the works for years and past legislation disguised to allow the sale of Texas infrastructure.
This is a road from a Mexican port to Chicago using Mexican truckers unloading and carrying Chinese goods.
No one can tell me that the Marines could not secure the border.
The take down of the economy the last 10 years was all planned.
They have kept us separated with politics, liberal, conservatives, with racism and sexuality, so the United States can be carved up like a side of beef.
As long as we are arguing with each other we have no chance.
It is not too late but the clock is ticking.
It is time to stand up as Americans and take our country back. Hell, even the illegals have a stake in this as we will all be slaves of the new order.
Look at the facts. Look them up. This is our time to prove we are worth our salt.
I LOVE AMERICA. God bless America
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I received an email from my congressman Joe Barton. There were a couple of loaded yes/no questions which were slanted. That's ok it is the part where he asks what issues are most important to me and a drop down menu has all these issues alphabetically listed except for the economy which was last on the list. The following is my letter:
Why are all the issues listed alphabetical except for the economy. Nothing has been done about the banking crisis. It is probably too late. What about the chummy "Countrywide" loans to congressmen.
The oil futures market is going to be pushed next month to make gasoline unaffordable again. It is not based on supply and demand. Americans should not be treated this way.
It's the economy behind all our problems. Fix that and you have fixed it all in a free market America. Why do you hide it on the bottom of the list? Why?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
This is an email to my friend who is trying to make sense of her retirement investments in energy stocks and is one of many on the subject. The following is just my opinion based on what I have studied or heard and what seems to be the truth.
We will use more oil when the economies rebound, if they do. Those toxic derivatives are still out there and the banks run the governments. There has been every possible action to prevent any other type or source of energy being developed or used. My uncle
George spent 40 years with Socony Oil (Mobil) and used to tell us about how they price fixed and outright cheated every chance they had.
Uncle George's dad was an Ambassador and he learned the back room stories of politics in the 20's and 30's.
One of my favorite stories was how Standard Oil feared the alcohol powered engines that were being developed in the 20's. They (as they do now) bought up every patent they could, but, with a stroke of genius, got behind the temperance movement. To make alcohol illegal. Prohibition got the money it needed to pass from the Rockefellers and industry organizations like the American Petroleum Institution. The lobbyist of the era.
My experience with Texaco taught me that everything he told us was true and to understand long term energy markets one has to understand that oil controls the world and there is little chance that ANY technology new or otherwise will ever be able to unseat oil. The Oil lobby shut down Ronald Reagan's dream, THE SUPERCONDUCTING SUPER COLLIDER PROJECT. This project would of made the United States a Super Power for the next 50 years and made us energy independent. Cost as much to shut it down as to finish it. Guess who lobbied the hardest to kill the project?
Are these corporations acting like they are going to run out of products, no! That is a fear tactic like peak oil. This is why oil is a good investment. It does not pay good dividends as it reinvests and hides profits but are good for a steady return over the long run.
We are going to use as much oil as we find just as we have done for the last 80 years. Peak oil, first talked about in the twenties, is in reality a planned shortage. Of course at our current pace we will outstrip supply. Technology will keep pace to make oil recoverable at reasonable price. There is a plan and by the behaviors of the involved corporations we can get some measure of what will happen. Without refineries the quantities of oil available mean little. There is much oil in the Persian Gulf that can be brought on-line in ten years or less. There is a great quantity of oil ready to be tapped in Saudi Arabia that is not even mentioned in known world reserves.
Right now we have an economy to be concerned about. It will shrink next year too if nothing is produced that can be classified as real wealth. Products.
Oil is a buy. It will be for sometime. If Iran gets its way the price will go to $400 a bbl or more with the destruction of Saudi Arabia which is it's real goal.
It's a lovely world.
What do you think.
We will use more oil when the economies rebound, if they do. Those toxic derivatives are still out there and the banks run the governments. There has been every possible action to prevent any other type or source of energy being developed or used. My uncle
George spent 40 years with Socony Oil (Mobil) and used to tell us about how they price fixed and outright cheated every chance they had.
Uncle George's dad was an Ambassador and he learned the back room stories of politics in the 20's and 30's.
One of my favorite stories was how Standard Oil feared the alcohol powered engines that were being developed in the 20's. They (as they do now) bought up every patent they could, but, with a stroke of genius, got behind the temperance movement. To make alcohol illegal. Prohibition got the money it needed to pass from the Rockefellers and industry organizations like the American Petroleum Institution. The lobbyist of the era.
My experience with Texaco taught me that everything he told us was true and to understand long term energy markets one has to understand that oil controls the world and there is little chance that ANY technology new or otherwise will ever be able to unseat oil. The Oil lobby shut down Ronald Reagan's dream, THE SUPERCONDUCTING SUPER COLLIDER PROJECT. This project would of made the United States a Super Power for the next 50 years and made us energy independent. Cost as much to shut it down as to finish it. Guess who lobbied the hardest to kill the project?
Are these corporations acting like they are going to run out of products, no! That is a fear tactic like peak oil. This is why oil is a good investment. It does not pay good dividends as it reinvests and hides profits but are good for a steady return over the long run.
We are going to use as much oil as we find just as we have done for the last 80 years. Peak oil, first talked about in the twenties, is in reality a planned shortage. Of course at our current pace we will outstrip supply. Technology will keep pace to make oil recoverable at reasonable price. There is a plan and by the behaviors of the involved corporations we can get some measure of what will happen. Without refineries the quantities of oil available mean little. There is much oil in the Persian Gulf that can be brought on-line in ten years or less. There is a great quantity of oil ready to be tapped in Saudi Arabia that is not even mentioned in known world reserves.
Right now we have an economy to be concerned about. It will shrink next year too if nothing is produced that can be classified as real wealth. Products.
Oil is a buy. It will be for sometime. If Iran gets its way the price will go to $400 a bbl or more with the destruction of Saudi Arabia which is it's real goal.
It's a lovely world.
What do you think.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Baseball in a freezer.
I have seen some pretty dumb things in the game of baseball and the game reflects much of what America is like at the time.
Major League Baseball or MLB is of course all about money. It is such a fun way to try and make money that it has become an American institution. Baseball has anti-trust protection, granted by congress, which gives it special permissions to act in ways no other business in America can do.
This has brought up thought to yours truly that came out on a Philadelphia Phillies and Denver Rockies blog. Being a Dodger fan I amnot really that welcome here but I gotta speak sometimes and that is just how I am.
After many blogs critical of both teams and questioning the genetics of other posters, I posted this.
Anyone who thinks the Rockies are not as good if not better than the Phillies is speaking through loyalty and not thought. The Rockies played a "historic" season and are as good if not better than the Philies.
Look up the stats for Christ's sake.
There is only one manager who exemplifies the meaning of Manager of the Year and that is Jim Tracy.
Playing a game at that time and weather conditions for MLB's reasons of $$$ is criminal. To risk the health of the ball players and fans because it might cut into the advertising dollars is a culpable crime. The day was beautiful but chilly and would of provided the best conditions for what is a championship game. The game was not as important as the revenue. Neither the Phillies, The Rockies, or the fans gained anything from this terrible decision. It only made it perilous for them.
Shame on MLB.
Why there is all this talk of equipment needed to make or verify judgments made on the field by the Umpires I don't know. The Game has been played over 130 years without gadgets needed to call games. What there is, is a lack of is using all the resources available to the Umpires. Three other men were watching that play in the ninth inning and could of helped the home-plate umpire whose vision was blocked. Umpires don't want to give up their autonomy or authority which I understand; however, there is no reason why a conference could not have been held on Chase Utley's foul.
Having the Rockies lose a game over an umpires pride isn't criminal, it is ludicrous.
And in case you think I am a Rockies fan I will tell you I am not. I am a Dodger fan who enjoys great baseball like the Rockies played all year. The Championship should NEVER be decided by anyone or anything but the teams on the field.
I have seen some pretty dumb things in the game of baseball and the game reflects much of what America is like at the time.
Major League Baseball or MLB is of course all about money. It is such a fun way to try and make money that it has become an American institution. Baseball has anti-trust protection, granted by congress, which gives it special permissions to act in ways no other business in America can do.
This has brought up thought to yours truly that came out on a Philadelphia Phillies and Denver Rockies blog. Being a Dodger fan I amnot really that welcome here but I gotta speak sometimes and that is just how I am.
After many blogs critical of both teams and questioning the genetics of other posters, I posted this.
Anyone who thinks the Rockies are not as good if not better than the Phillies is speaking through loyalty and not thought. The Rockies played a "historic" season and are as good if not better than the Philies.
Look up the stats for Christ's sake.
There is only one manager who exemplifies the meaning of Manager of the Year and that is Jim Tracy.
Playing a game at that time and weather conditions for MLB's reasons of $$$ is criminal. To risk the health of the ball players and fans because it might cut into the advertising dollars is a culpable crime. The day was beautiful but chilly and would of provided the best conditions for what is a championship game. The game was not as important as the revenue. Neither the Phillies, The Rockies, or the fans gained anything from this terrible decision. It only made it perilous for them.
Shame on MLB.
Why there is all this talk of equipment needed to make or verify judgments made on the field by the Umpires I don't know. The Game has been played over 130 years without gadgets needed to call games. What there is, is a lack of is using all the resources available to the Umpires. Three other men were watching that play in the ninth inning and could of helped the home-plate umpire whose vision was blocked. Umpires don't want to give up their autonomy or authority which I understand; however, there is no reason why a conference could not have been held on Chase Utley's foul.
Having the Rockies lose a game over an umpires pride isn't criminal, it is ludicrous.
And in case you think I am a Rockies fan I will tell you I am not. I am a Dodger fan who enjoys great baseball like the Rockies played all year. The Championship should NEVER be decided by anyone or anything but the teams on the field.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Unknown blogger's post shows wonderful insight.
I don't know who this poster on a blog is but I think he is a hero. Only hero's talk like this. This web-site iall about what I see Americans are made of. I like this.
Cardinals miss chance to show class
To:All Oct-10 98245.1
I just watched my Cardinals lose in the NLDS. I'm ok with that, I'm no longer greedy, their 2006 win is recent enough to tide me over for a while. Good for the Dodgers. Hope they do well.
What frustrates me is this: My recollection is that when the Cards beat the Dodgers in the 2004 NLDS, the Cards clinched in Los Angeles. And the Dodger players lined up, then went out on the field, and congratulated the Cards players, just like in a high school game today. That's the last time I saw that done on a major league field. It was a special moment for this great game. The Cards had a chance to return the favor tonight. They missed it. No matter how frustrated they were with baserunning and fielding probems, with a lack of hitting, with losing, it was still a chance to show some class and return that kindness the Dodgers showed 5 years ago. Maybe they'll have that chance another day. I almost hope that next time the two meet in the playoffs that my Cards lose, just so they can make amends and show some class.
I Think there had to be some leadership on the Dodgers that evening (was it late afternoon?) to start that. I'd like to see a replay of that to see which Dodgers were at the front of that line. Maybe it was Jim Tracy, the manager, who got 'em up the steps and out there... The top 4 Dodgers on the payroll in '94 were Shawn Green ($16.67 mil), Darren Dreifort ($11.4 mil), Hideo Nomo ($9 mil), and Steve Finley ($7 ml). Maybe it was Finley and Green... Alex Cora made the last out, maybe he did it... Someone did. Whoever he is, baseball should honor him.
And I'm more disappointed in this lost chance to show some class, to repay that from 5 years ago, than I am the missed balls in the field, the missed fast balls tonight, and all the rest. Maybe the frustration of the moment prevented it... I wish I'd seen that tonight.
Cardinals miss chance to show class
To:All Oct-10 98245.1
I just watched my Cardinals lose in the NLDS. I'm ok with that, I'm no longer greedy, their 2006 win is recent enough to tide me over for a while. Good for the Dodgers. Hope they do well.
What frustrates me is this: My recollection is that when the Cards beat the Dodgers in the 2004 NLDS, the Cards clinched in Los Angeles. And the Dodger players lined up, then went out on the field, and congratulated the Cards players, just like in a high school game today. That's the last time I saw that done on a major league field. It was a special moment for this great game. The Cards had a chance to return the favor tonight. They missed it. No matter how frustrated they were with baserunning and fielding probems, with a lack of hitting, with losing, it was still a chance to show some class and return that kindness the Dodgers showed 5 years ago. Maybe they'll have that chance another day. I almost hope that next time the two meet in the playoffs that my Cards lose, just so they can make amends and show some class.
I Think there had to be some leadership on the Dodgers that evening (was it late afternoon?) to start that. I'd like to see a replay of that to see which Dodgers were at the front of that line. Maybe it was Jim Tracy, the manager, who got 'em up the steps and out there... The top 4 Dodgers on the payroll in '94 were Shawn Green ($16.67 mil), Darren Dreifort ($11.4 mil), Hideo Nomo ($9 mil), and Steve Finley ($7 ml). Maybe it was Finley and Green... Alex Cora made the last out, maybe he did it... Someone did. Whoever he is, baseball should honor him.
And I'm more disappointed in this lost chance to show some class, to repay that from 5 years ago, than I am the missed balls in the field, the missed fast balls tonight, and all the rest. Maybe the frustration of the moment prevented it... I wish I'd seen that tonight.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Twins Win Division Chamioship.
Congrats Twins and their fans. Sorry Tigers. I'll take Leyland if you don't want him. The guys played their hearts out. Back in Dodgerland we will get started tomorrow; but, for tonight the
Be careful Yankees! These guys don't know they are not good enough.
They got heart. Ya gotta have heart.
It did my heart good to see 54,000 cheering fans waving their homer hankies and hugging their family members. A real hometown victory for some classy homespun fans.
Middle America lives and small town America thrives as my Cousin Beth (wife of cousin Pete) told me recently.
Be careful Yankees! These guys don't know they are not good enough.
They got heart. Ya gotta have heart.
It did my heart good to see 54,000 cheering fans waving their homer hankies and hugging their family members. A real hometown victory for some classy homespun fans.
Middle America lives and small town America thrives as my Cousin Beth (wife of cousin Pete) told me recently.
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