There has been much discussion about the reasons why American will not enforce their borders. Going on ten years after 9/11 we have opened our borders to allow anyone to illegally cross into the USA. The Immigration services have found Korans in the desert at coyotes stopping points. Mosques have popped open all across the the US. The State Department gave permission to Saudi Arabia to build 1000 Mosques. Who are these Mosques for? The country has been infiltrated and we have done nothing to protect our homes and families.
The COMMITTEE on AMERICAN-ISLAMIC RELATIONS OR CAIR, A group tied directly to the convicted terror group the Holy Land Comittee has now infiltrated the Congress at a high level.
Over at the Senate, CAIR has cultivated Muslim moles inside the offices of key Democrat leaders – including Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on human rights. His aide Reema Dodin – who's in regular contact with CAIR – is a Palestinian rights activist who organized anti-Israel rallies as a campus radical at UC Berkeley.
Commenting on the 9/11 attacks as a leader of the radical Muslim Students Association – which was founded by Muslim Brotherhood members – Dodin explained away the suicide attacks as a tragic but inevitable response to U.S. support for Israel, which she says is "angering" Muslims the world over.
"No one wants to stop and think that these young men, in the prime of their lives, choose to do this to themselves. Why?" she said in an interview with a campus magazine. "Because now you have three generations of Palestinians born under occupation.
"Maybe if you start to look at Palestinians as human beings," she added, "you will stop the suicide bombers."
Dodin went on to justify violent jihad. "Islam does teach that you must defend yourself," she said. "You cannot lie down and allow yourself, your home, your property, your family, and your people to be consistently oppressed."
At the same time, she condemned U.S. strikes against the Taliban and al-Qaida in Afghanistan, complaining that the military was "just going to hit innocent civilians."
Today, Durbin's legislative aide points to the election of two Muslim congressmen – Democrats Ellison of Minnesota and Andre Carson of Indiana – as proof Muslims can penetrate "the system" and bring about change from within.
This is just the beginning as interns and aids are working for other congressmen all the while CAIR has been indicted on terror charges and their leaders states their goal is to make American a Muslim state.
And then there is the 20 million illegals living in the USA Our government says they can do nothing about.
Anyone who thinks this is about low cost labor has been badly fooled. Look at the results, look at the actions taken in the last 20 years. Look at the resistance by our government to doing anything to stem the flow of foreigners into the USA.
This was planned. Just as the selling of the trans-Texas corridor to a company owned by the King of Spain and the Rothchildes.
The deal we have with WHO and the UN that gives them power over the US government in case of National State of Emergency. There was a practice run of the blue hats down in the south this summer just in case of such an emergency.
Our Governor Rick Perry had this in the works for years and past legislation disguised to allow the sale of Texas infrastructure.
This is a road from a Mexican port to Chicago using Mexican truckers unloading and carrying Chinese goods.
No one can tell me that the Marines could not secure the border.
The take down of the economy the last 10 years was all planned.
They have kept us separated with politics, liberal, conservatives, with racism and sexuality, so the United States can be carved up like a side of beef.
As long as we are arguing with each other we have no chance.
It is not too late but the clock is ticking.
It is time to stand up as Americans and take our country back. Hell, even the illegals have a stake in this as we will all be slaves of the new order.
Look at the facts. Look them up. This is our time to prove we are worth our salt.
I LOVE AMERICA. God bless America
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