Amber Ticker

Sunday, April 18, 2010

LA's ex-gangsters train with police to go against gang life.


LA's ex-gangsters train with police to go against gang life.

Yahoo blog that follows all started with WE NEED TO...

So I wrote:
WE NEED TO.....stop right there.
I grew up in Lynwood and in 1959 someone spray painted on a garage wall Rolling 78s. Probably a gang initiation as it only happened once. That is when we should have done something.

Did we know that the CIA raised money for black ops back
The Heroin that came in on Air America landed at Air Force Bases and was picked up in government vehicles and taken to safe houses. Then it was sold in Black Communities all over America. Ronald Reagen and Oliver North were importing Cocaine the same way to pay for Iran -Contra. How do we stop gangs while the government creates them. These are all true and documented.

How can so much enter our country without someone our side letting it happen. Too much money in it. Take the money out of it. Legalize any natural drug. Scary consequences for the addictive stuff if you make, transport or sell bulk quantities.

People need jobs that pay fair wages. Kids need not good schools but great schools that kids actually want to go to. Make food affordable. Start with love instead of hate. With love we can do anything. Hate and we are doomed.

Kids need good families to grow up in. Immigrants associate with their own kind and are scared. I don't know how to stop this but taking the money out of drugs will help.
Return our freedoms and question everything. I am an old Compton College grad and I have seen better times.

I pray we have them again.

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